HTS Blog

What We Are Loving Right Now… Benchmarking!

By: Sheena Mattingly, HTS Director of Clinical Outcomes What we’re loving right now is benchmarking. Before you call me a data nerd, which I certainly am, let me explain. HTS invests in Business Intelligence (BI) software which is used…

5 Tips for Aging Well

As we get older, we experience both mental and physical changes to our health. There are strategies for achieving a healthier life to remain active and independent for as long as possible.   Move More. Sit Less:  Sitting too much can be…

Outpatient Therapy Helps Older Adults Be Strong, Independent, and Live Life to the Fullest!

How Can Outpatient Therapy Help? Outpatient rehabilitation services including Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy are available to help patients with a variety of therapeutic solutions. Physical Therapy works with…

Managing Painful Arthritis with Exercise

Approximately 350 million people worldwide have arthritis. Arthritis is a condition defined by painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. Exercise may be the last thing on a person’s mind when suffering from arthritis. But exercise…

Maintain Flexibility with Aging

As a kid, touching your toes was a piece of cake. For older adults, being agile becomes more challenging and is due to a loss of flexibility as our bodies age. Flexibility allows us to move our bodies and joints freely and with ease. Maintaining…

CMI Deep Dive Analytics

HTS provides solutions to assist our partners effectively capture clinically indicated conditions and services to facilitate patient centered care that is consistent with medical needs. Maximize your CMI opportunities through accurate coding…

5 PDPM Process Improvement Solutions

PDPM success is contingent upon excellent communication. Therapy no longer drives the meeting process as all disciplines within the IDT must contribute to the collection of data to assure coding accuracy. HTS is uniquely positioned with a…

The HTS Census Circle… A Powerhouse Network for Senior Care Marketing

Join our Census Circle! Let’s face it, building and maintaining census is hard work. Now more than ever, you need a group of like-minded professionals that share the same challenges when it comes to the everchanging world of census stabilization. Brought…

Spring Cleaning Tips for Older Adults

Spring is the perfect time to open your windows, reorganize your space, and complete those cleaning tasks you’ve been putting off all winter. For older adults, keeping your living space safe and accessible will make it easier for you to get…

Move More for Heart Health

Responsible for moving about 2,000 gallons of blood every day, the heart is one of the most important muscles in the body. A strong, healthy heart can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, improve blood flow, and prevent heart disease and…

Therapy Interventions for Treating Urinary Incontinence

When you accidentally leak urine, it is known as urinary incontinence. Incontinence is a very common issue and more common in older adults. However, urinary incontinence does not have to be a part of your daily life. Treatment options are shown…

Diabetes and Neuropathy

Neuropathy occurs when one or more nerves are damaged or destroyed.  This disrupts the nerves’ ability to send messages from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, skin, and other parts of the body resulting in muscle weakness, numbness,…